My little younger sister sketched this the other day. She hasn’t finished reading Rapeseed yet but in the space of five minutes (no exaggeration) she doodled this. I got really excited and took a picture with my phone to put up here so I apologise for the poor picture quality. In a few minutes she summed up something that took me a year to write. Fantastic, no?
I love the way there are so few details on Eithne, my main character. I love the way the number 5 is falling away and the whole clock face is crumbling beneath her even though it’s the only thing that’s supporting her. I love how simple and graphic it is. I have begun the query process with Rapeseed and The Waiting Place is well underway so having solid details like this help to remind that Rapeseed is still fairly new and fresh and I get excited all over again.
I’ll post more when she finishes it. Meghan won’t let me link to her Deviant Art account because she claims the stuff she posts there isn’t good enough, but I’ll back her up in saying that this is just a fraction of what she can do. You should see her Johnny Depp portraits! (And she’s almost six years younger than me, sickening when the young ‘uns are this talented isn’t it?)